A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned
- Beware of your spending’s even on little expenses
- Prior Identification of spending and Set Budget
- Track excess spending and plan to reduce it
Challenges in Cost Control and Cost Analysis
- Difficulty in configuring the cost controls techniques/tools into the system
- Time and effort you have put into gathering data for reporting purpose
- Difficult in drawing insights if reports are not simple to interpret
Cost Management in Tally.ERP
- Availability of Reports on click of a button at blazing speed helps to save time and efforts
- Easy to set-up the cost units and budgets – One time setup
- Effortless comparative analysis across period, cost unit/departments/expenses etc. gives better insights for decision making
Cost Control and Cost Analysis
- Allocate the expenses while recording voucher to cost centers created
- The cost centre reports gives you the insights about the department-wise/unit-wise details to identify and reduce the spending as applicable
- Comparative analysis across period will give you insights about month-wise spending and helps in taking decision to optimize the cost
Cost Control and Cost Analysis – Budget Control
- Setting up goals and budget for planned expenditure will help you to plan and track your spending. This is one the best cost optimization technique
- In Tally.ERP 9, it is simple to set the budget at various levels such as specific type of cost, for particular department etc. and track it later
- In order to optimize your cost, it is very important to track the actual spending VS the budget.
- This will help in taking decision at a right time instead of doing the retrospective analysis at the end of budgeted period
Item-wise sales profitability
- It is important to track item-wise profitability to know which are the high profitability products and accordingly plan your inventories
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Secret 2 – A small leak will sink a great Ship
Secret 2 of 7 – A small leak will sink a great Ship
Orson Automation
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